Since 2006 our Pelequén Plant has recognised certifications that allow us to provide better quality, protect the environment and ensure that our wines are harmless.

Energy Seal Certification
This certification, granted by the Ministry of Energy, is part of the 2012-2030 National Energy Strategy, permitting the identification and recognition of those companies that are leaders in pro- Energy Efficient measures. .

BRC (British Retail Consortium)
a worldwide standard of food safety. Its aim is to specify the safety, quality and operating criteria that must be in place in the company in order to comply with the legislation and customer protection requirements.

ISO 9001:2000: (Sistema de Gestión de la Calidad)
this is a model to ensure quality in design, development, production, installation and after-sales service, the aim of which is customer satisfaction.

IFS (International Food Standard)
this protocol describes the specific requirements applied to organisations included in the IFS Food Audits. The aim of this protocol is to define the criteria to be followed by the certifying bodies, and it also lists the procedures that must be respected by the company.

HACCP (Hazard Analysis and Critical Control Point)
this consists in making a risk analysis to identify dangers or points where there are reasonably high probabilities of hazardous situations occurring, that might affect the harmlessness of the foodstuffs during the production process.

ISO 14001:2004: (Sistema de Gestión Medioambiental)
this identifies and controls activities that produce pollution and use of resources and manages systematically to reduce inefficiencies in the use of water, energy and raw materials, being environmentally friendly.

certifies the preparation of organic products or products produced using organic inputs. It also certifies that the whole process of vinification and final processing complies with the requirements stipulated for organic products. In our case we bottle for vineyards with organic grapes.

OSHAS 18001
this requires companies to commit to eliminating or minimising risks for employees and other interested parties who may be exposed to dangers associated with their activities. It also targets on-going management improvement.


The sustainability code is considered to be the cornerstone of the sustainability program in the Chilean winemaking business. It sets out the sustainable practices that can exist in the various areas of preparation, throughout the wine's chain of value. It identifies the needs of the wine-making sector in three areas: the green area (vineyards), the red area (winery) and the orange area (community), on the understanding that sustainability is the convergence of production that is environmentally-friendly production, socially fair and economically viable.

We are the first in Chile to be certified with the Sustainability Code in all its areas, because until 2012 it was only possible to be certified in the green area (vineyards). Our Morandé, Vistamar, Mancura, Fray León and Tiraziš wineries were the first in the industry to be certified in their totality, and this reflects our commitment with sustainable development.